Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tomorrow's Post, TODAY!

Or some variety of that ... Actually it's more like, "Tomorrow's post, SATURDAY!"

Apparently the Bar can plan for the accommodated folks, but not for the observant ones. And it's the observant ones I'm starting to feel looking over my shoulder.

So, because my school buddies are taking me out to dinner tomorrow after the last day of torture, I'll try to record my Recollections-O'The-Day off-line, before the beer and tequila burn them from my short term memory. Then I'll copy them to the blog on Saturday.

Or, maybe not. Maybe I'll post some in-depth analysis on three essays that have nothing to do with the ones they gave us! Yeah... That's the ticket! Kinda' like we did here yesterday, right folks?!? (wink, wink)

Ah well... whaddya' gonna' do? There's all kinds of people in this world. The honest ones frequently have to work alongside the ... well ...less honest ones. I guess this just means that I'll have to spend Friday on the golf course so that I'm not tempted to reveal anything until it's safe.

And somehow, I don't think I'll mind that too much.


Richard said...

113 days!?! lol they take their time! Good luck! :)

The Grand Poobah said...

Yeah... But even though it's almost 4 months, there's no sense of impending doom attached. Not like with the previous countdown.

And much luck of the very best variety back to you, Good Sir!

Anonymous said...

I personally find that observant thing unfair. And, I believe they had Tues off, and are taking Tues tomorrow. So they already know what will be tested. So unfair.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Tisha B'av commemorates the destruction of the temple.

Although maybe there are some people who take advantage of this accomodation, the people who are fasting on Tisha B'av have the disadvantage of starting off taking the CA bar after a fast (no food or water for 24 hours). If you are observant you can't use the internet, telephone, or study anything other than Torah. It is very difficult to fast in this heat. I would not want to start taking the CA bar exam after a fast. YOu feel really yucky the day after. (I normally fast on this day - no fun and you are in temple and aren't around people who take the CA bar. There is a world outside of our universe, people).

I think it is unfair that people who are observant have to choose between observing G-d's law and being on equal footing with other CA bar takers. Rabbis don't issue exemption letters unless they really know you and know that you observe the rules religiously.

Also, as afraid as I am of a "rule 7 violation" answering before G-d is another matter entirely. Before judging, you should at least look up the facts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah. I personally think this is a violation of the Establishment Clause.

The rest of us have to follow the rules, the bar is not relying on us to follow "God's law" to make sure we don't cheat.

Anonymous said...

"Rabbis don't issue exemption letters unless they really know you and know that you observe the rules religiously."

Shouldn't you carry the burden of your religion instead of asking non-believers to accommodate you?

Certainly, if you are seriously religious in this particular circumstance, you should be able to (1) get a rabbi's waiver (2) take the bar another time (3) tough it out by being extra prepared physically and mentally.

It's almost if people want "t-shirt religion" where they can be religious and not expect to make sacrifices. I respect religious people, but I respect them less and less when they want others to accommodate them because they are too "burdened" by their religion and are forced to make unfair choices.

It's your religion, you chose to believe it, shouldn't you try a little harder to deal with the repercussions?

Now, if the bar purposely planned it testing to discriminate against religious individuals, and it in fact discriminates against religious individuals, that's another story, to copy another standard.

I'm also certain that in certain cases where no one would be physically capable of taking the exam because of their beliefs (say a religious pilgrimage during the exam period) a strong argument for accommodation could be made. I think there are situations that may call for limited accomodation, but this Tisha B'av doesn't sound like one.

On the other hand, I wonder if the bar really does ask the same questions. I'm sure it wouldn't be too burdensome to ask different questions; it's certainly probably only minimally more burdensome [monetarily] than having a whole different day for accommodated test taking.

Anonymous said...

There is !!no way!! the Cal bar committee is giving them the same test! Come on. Wake up and stop feeling sorry for yourselves. They are smarter than that. They know about the existence of the internet and they know that people talk. Really. Stop imagining other peoples' advantages over you and rely on yourself.

Anonymous said...

You absolutely CANNOT take a test on Tisha B'av. It's not because of the fast, it's because you are forbidden to work on that day. This includes writing.

So a religious person is unable to take a test on that day. this is an accomodation that should be accomodated. it's not t-shirt religion. and it would have been easier to just shift over the entire three day exam one day.

rule 7 or rule 12 isn't relevant to whether or not it is unfair to label an entire religious group as exam cheaters.

and yes, i do believe that observant people would be less likely to cheat on a bar exam since that also goes against their religion. i would think that people who take their religion seriously enough to fast and put themselves at a personal disadvantage would not then go and violate another tenant of their religion (don't lie, don't cheat). Again, this isn't t-shirt religion. For Orthodox Jews Tisha B'av is a very important day.

I'd hope we can have an intelligent debate. Swearing and calling me names does nothing to add to this.

Unknown said...

you guys are trippin about this - first my fellow brother jews (i already took the test; i am a reform larry david curb your enthusiasm jew) they willl give a different exam.

plus this test is not a competition like law school!!!! We all have to beat the exam personally - the scores are calculated more like a threshold - we all have to get a 1440 to pass.

There is no real curve here - though I wish there was b/c then everyone who went to an accredited school would be at a severe advantage.

We all will pass - everyone passes!!! HONIGSBERG is not a jew by the way - he is a straight up wasp german descent.

Anonymous said...

If you read the petition on the state bar web site it is absolutely clear they are giving the exact same exam. It says the essays, etc. given to others on Tues will be given on Wed. And petitioners have to sign a declaration that they won't access the internet from 7/24 until they are done. So it is very obvious they get the same exact exam. Totally unfair. Who cares if there isn't a curve, it's not fair that some have a significant advantage. Gee, if I knew exactly what was going to be tested I'd have a much better chance at passing too (not too mention less stress, and I would've spent less time studying stuff that wasn't tested).