Monday, November 23, 2015

Congrats to Those Who Received Good News Last Friday!

I heard that another few friends of friends I referred to Jason, passed this last exam.  Yay for them!

And for those of you who who are still struggling, the path is clear.  You now know where to go, who to call, to get you over that elusive 1440 mark.



  1. I high appreciate this post. It’s hard to he good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it! would youmind updating your blog with more information?
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  2. James Brown ... don't you dare rush Poobah Cat! He posts when he wants to post and that is ok for all of us kittens.

    Poobah Cat - How are things? Hope that you are doing well my friend. Football back in your neck of the woods, no?

  3. Hey BC,

    I believe the comment from James Brown was probably an advertisement/spam/whatever. It's contents are generic and it includes a link to another website/blog/whatever. That's why I didn't reply. But I left it there in case it does actually link to another attorney's website and he manages to get some business from it.

    Yes, Football. And the season's over. :(

    Good luck next week, everyone!

