Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hanging in, I am.

I'm one of those people that will step up if he has something to say but can be found in the corner quietly listening if he doesn't. Have something to say, that is. And the events, if I can call them that, of the last few days have produced nothing worthy of repeating.

However, I have found that the problem I had in school with lingering over-long on essays has translated quite nicely to my resume writing challenge. And I'm not sure why, exactly. There's not much creative writing involved in a resume. But when you've not held a job for a couple of years you find that a simple recitation of your career highlights falls a little flat, especially when you're writing about the exciting field of Information Technology!

I've been spending some time reading up on the technological aspects of a law practice. My background and experience seems to fit quite nicely into the job description of an IT manager for a small firm. And the new FRCP discovery rules appear to offer a peg onto which I can hang my hat. But without a clear direction it's all just research for now.

The one very bright side of being in this twilight zone between the bar and gainful employment is that I've been able to spend a lot of time with my 18 month old granddaughter. I am sure glad that I appreciate being alive. And nothing makes me appreciate life more than seeing the smile on her little face as she plays peek-a-boo, or hide and seek, or tries to climb up onto my lap with a book in her hands saying, "Papa. Book. Book."

One of these days I look forward to that book being by an author named Prosser, or maybe Chemerinsky!


calbar blondie said...

Interesting what this post-Bar exam mindset does for one's appreciation of life, huh? Enjoy your time with your grandbaby!

The Grand Poobah said...

Hey look! Less than 100 days until the results are released!

Blondie, my appreciation for life was, I believe, earned back when I was 20 years old and had a job as an EMT. Our ambulance would respond with L.A. County Fire and Sheriffs on all types of calls. I saw firsthand how easily and unexpectedly we can be yanked out of this world. That job impressed upon me how fragile the human body actually is, and how precious life really is. It was truly a life changing experience.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have only posted on your page once about an essay exam, but I wanted to say THANKS to your blog and your WISE writings. You are a very nice guy and I feel like I know you from reading your blog, I took the FEB 2007 and now the JULY 2007 exam and have learned a lot from both the previous exam and your blog.....more than just study related.

Thanks, and keep it up.

The Grand Poobah said...

Anon: Thanks very much! I've found quite a few new friends through this blog. Your kind words are very much appreciated.

I hope we all pass this time. If not, we'll be singing that "Henry the 8th" song that goes, "Second verse, same as the first!" And my singing leaves a lot to be desired, so let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

Hey, on the resume front, I was also an IT guy before becoming a lawyer, and I think that it helps to put in the stuff about being responsive to people, and always getting the job done. Your distinguishing characteristics from other applicants just might be that you've worked in a service industry before, know that a job is not just 9 to 5, but that a job is over when the job is done, and you know what it's like to have to make sure someone else is satisfied. Law firms need to make sure that you won't just go home when it's 5pm and that you understand about customer (client) satisfaction.

Good luck!